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Thank you for visiting my website “Kalm Strategy”, a holistic strategy for managing stress and building peaceful work/ life environment.  

“Kalm Strategy” is a combination of meditation, yoga, dance, reiki and shamanic energy healing. It brings together the unique techniques to overcome stress and anxiety. Moreover, this combination creates inner peace and prosperity for you and your family/ team. 

Many problems start with stress and our inability to control it. 

Especially today, we feel this keenly in an unstable post-pandemic
world, engulfed by humanitarian and financial crises that have
upended our daily lives, professional aspirations and plans for the

All over the world, people are looking for ways to cope with stress and anxiety. 

If you feel lost and stress has taken over you and your life, if you think that you do not have the strength to do something, then you have found the right place to start fighting them! 

Find yourself – find your KALM


Book your free 30 minutes call to learn about meditation and breathing techniques if you:

    • Constantly worry about everything and everybody;
    • Feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated and generally unhappy;
    • Having a trouble calming your mind and sleep;
    • Being angry, irritable or moody;
    • Having trouble focusing/ concentrating;
    • Being pessimistic or seeing only the negative side;
    • Feeling bad about yourself (low self-esteem);
    • Feeling fatigue/low energy.


    Are You Ready to Work with Me?

    • to get control of your life,
    • to take actions to achieve your goals,
    • to figure out what is missing in your life,
    • to be happy again.

    Solutions in the New Era

    In the era of post-pandemic disruption and high-tech restructuring, strategy for internal strength of your team is more important than ever. These societal changes increased the number of people who need effective solutions with stress and anxiety in the professional settings. “Kalm Strategy” brings specialized expertise to face external uncertainties that influence the human capabilities and professional performance outcomes.  


    This could be an unforgettable experience…

    Health and Wellness Master Class


    Meditation and Yoga Classes

    Group or private sessions.

    Health and Wellness Master Classes

    Stress Management Workshops

    Reiki Energy Healing Sessions.



    Victor A

      I met Tatiana from a mortgage study group on Facebook. After seeing how I was answering questions in a class, Tatiana reached out to me. She mentioned that I needed help to get rid of stress, inner pain, to forgive and forget past traumas and move on in life towards to better future. I was open minded and decided to meet Tatiana via a zoom call since we are both located in the different states. About 3 hours later, I felt relieved, more like a wave of peace was running through my body. I felt happy, peaceful and relaxed, and the same time I was full of energy. I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from and how…, but it really happened! I spoke to Tatiana after she finished her healing session. She told me that my chakras and aura had been restored and corrected. We have covered different types of breathing exercises, some useful techniques and tools to keep myself healthy and at peace.
      Today, I am a completely different person, I feel reborn. I am in such a peaceful state of mind, and the happiest person that I’ve ever been in my life! Her life vision and strategy, her techniques and energy she is using to help people have given me the power to live life I never thought I could. My wings are spread out, and now I am flying!!

    John D

    “Tatiana is an extraordinary healer with a very compassionate heart. She has quite a gift in assessing and evaluating an individual, which allows her to offer a very focused treatment.  I am so grateful for her healing touch and then her practical follow-up suggestions on how to help myself going forward.”

    Annie H.

    “Tatiana is a true inspiration, and we are very lucky to have found such a talented and generous teacher. Her very calming way with teaching makes me think more about myself and less about what everyone else is doing. Thanks so much.”


    “Una de las experiencias más relajantes que he sentido al poder sumergirme en mí mismo.”

    Mary, J William

    Since I began attending Kalm strategy sessions over six months ago, I noticed I’ve become more mindful and focused on my movements… and focused on me!

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